Former MLA Harshvardhan Jadhav, son-in-law of senior BJP leader and Union Minister of State Raosaheb Danve, has been remanded in police custody for attempted murder. Harshvardhan Jadhav was produced in Shivajinagar court today after his arrest. The court remanded him in police custody till December 18. Meanwhile, Harshvardhan Jadhav claimed in court that he was beaten by the plaintiff. He also alleged that the charges against him and the arrest were political.
Presenting his case before the court, Harshvardhan Jadhav said, “The charges against him and his arrest are politically motivated. When I went to a shop in Bawadhan area of Pune with my colleague Isha Jha, the plaintiff abducted and beat them both ”. Harshvardhan Jadhav also accused the police of not taking his complaint at this time. He also claimed that there was a political motive behind the beating, which took place on Monday evening.
On behalf of Harshvardhan Jadhav, Adv. Zaheer Khan Pathan, Adv. Sattyajeet Karale Patil are looking after this work