On Sunday the Chennai Police rescued two minor girls, aged 13 and 8, from an 18-year-old engineering student who had convinced them to accompany him to his hometown, Srivilliputhur. The youth had befriended the 13-year-old girl through social media. According to the police, the father of the 13-year-old girl lodged a complaint on December 26 at the J-4 Kotturpuram police station claiming that his daughter and her eight-year-old cousin had not returned home. Based on the instruction and information of Chennai Commissioner Mahesh Kumar Agarwal, a team led by Mylapore Deputy Commissioner conducted a search operation around the girl’s residence.With the help of the Mylapore cyber-crime department, the police tracked the cellphone of the 13-year-old girl and found that they had boarded a train from the Perungalathur Railway Station.
A special team was formed and details of the missing children were shared on local Whats App groups. A transgender traveling on the same train as the minors informed the Railway Protection Force (RPF) after discovering that they were traveling unaccompanied by any family members.The TTR of the train then handed over the children to the Villupuram railway police. As per local reports, the youth had some issues with his family and he attempted to run away.